Ultimate Bag

Friday, September 22, 2006

What do have in your ultimate bag

An ULTIMATE BAG should contain these items:
Water in a reusable bottle (Nalgene, Eddie Bauer, etc.)
A disc or two or three
A white and a black shirt/jersey (in addition to the one you are wearing)
Extra socks and liners (silk ones to prevent blistering)
Cleats or other appropriate footwear
First Aid Kit (containing such things as nail clippers, blister blockers or moleskin, antibiotic ointment, hair ties, inhaler, and anything else you use on a regular basis)
Weather-appropriate gear
More water

When you are at a tournament, you should bring all of the above items, plus these:
· More water (in a reusable container)
· Electrolyte additive (such as Gatorade or Powerade; I like to use the powder and mix it right in to my bottle – that way I get the amount I know I will be needing that day)
· FOOD (protein and carbohydrates are necessary, fruit and pickles are good as well. You will figure out what works for you, but the most important thing is that you need to be responsible and bring food for yourself.)
· Extra shoelaces
· Sunblock and hat (for when outdoors)
· Cold weather gear (large sweatpants work best for easy on/off; you must stay warm when you are not on the field. Don’t forget windbreaker, stocking cap, mittens, sweatshirts, etc.)
· Raingear